» General
The Visual Studio new project template is a handy wizard for setting up AD FS on a new site, but...
While user authentication is a key component of AD FS, the returned user claims are powerful tools for client applications....
This post demonstrates how to set up a new ASP.NET MVC project using AD FS. Before you can do this,...
This is the first in a series of posts going over the use of Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)....
Something you use all the time, but don’t always realize, is how a web browser will request resources in html...
Had an interesting error the other day. While reviewing an interns test project, I noticed that on a fresh clone...
In a post last year, I found a simple csv to JSON technique that worked well - but today I...
As of yesterday my blog is being hosted by GitHub Pages, using the Jekyll static page engine. I’ve been using...
Usually when working with ASP.Net Identity all the necessary components are added with the existing project scaffolding, but recently I needed to...
Here is a technique I picked up while researching ways to generate JSON output from a CSV file. My main...