Reviewing the HTTP Angular Tutorial this morning, I was really confused how the sample “Web API” was working in the sample plunker.

It started out as:

search(term: string): Observable<Hero[]> {
    return this.http
               .map((r: Response) => r.json().data as Hero[]);

app/heroes/?name=${term} is clearly the API call, but where is the function that processes it? I assumed that this was in HeroesComponent, since app.routing.ts defines the heroes route.

    path: 'heroes',
    component: HeroesComponent

But why would the API be in a component class, that makes no sense! Moreover, the only likely function,

  getHeroes(): void {
        .then(heroes => this.heroes = heroes);

doesn’t include any parameters, and a console.log() very clearly showed this function is not called during search operations.

I was close to just assuming there was some invisible api I couldn’t see, when I re-read the tutorial and noticed something about the InMemoryDataService:

import { InMemoryDbService } from 'angular-in-memory-web-api';
export class InMemoryDataService implements InMemoryDbService {
  createDb() {
    let heroes = [
      {id: 11, name: 'Mr. Nice'},
      {id: 12, name: 'Narco'},
      {id: 13, name: 'Bombasto'},
      {id: 14, name: 'Celeritas'},
      {id: 15, name: 'Magneta'},
      {id: 16, name: 'RubberMan'},
      {id: 17, name: 'Dynama'},
      {id: 18, name: 'Dr IQ'},
      {id: 19, name: 'Magma'},
      {id: 20, name: 'Tornado'}
    return {heroes};

the return name is {heroes}. What if I changed that to {heroesx}? Sure enough, the app/heroes call failed. I then tried changing the service url in hero.service.ts to

  private heroesUrl = 'app/heroesx'; 

And the service worked again. That’s pretty interesting behavior, but certainly not intuitive…

The next question was how the name filter worked


As I didn’t see any functions for that. Well it turns out this is also a feature of the InMemoryDataService. You can pass a filter for any property of the json, so this will work as well:
