Going over the documentation for Angular2 pipes today.

Pipes have changed since angular 1. Most noticeable is the lack of filter/sorting pipes. The reason given for their removal was speed. While they worked well enough for demo applications, real-world usage often caused speed issues. At my company we noticed this with lists only a few hundred items long.

Angular comes with a few standard pipes

  • Date
  • UpperCase
  • LowerCase
  • Currency
  • Percent
{{ myValue | date}}

You pass parameters to the pipe with a :

{{myValue | date:"shortDate"}}

The currency pipe requires multiple parameters, seperated by :

  • symbolDisplay - USD, EUR, etc
  • symbolDisplay - True to show $, False to show USD (false is the default)
{{myValue | currency:"USD":true}}

It’s simple to chain pipes:

{{ myValue | uppercase | lowercase}}

If the built-in pipes do not meet your needs, you will need to process the data in the component, or create a custom pipe. The angular team recommends handling expensive operations i.e. filtering in the component, instead of a pipe.

To create the custom pipe you’ll need to:

  1. Add a new class that will implement the pipe as <pipename>.pipe.ts
  2. Import the new pipe class in app.module.ts, specifying both as an import and a declaration.
  3. You do not need to declare anything in your component class that makes use of the pipe.

Here is a basic pipe implementation:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

// Take Name e.g. Bill Gates and return Gates, Bill
@Pipe({name: 'LastNameFirst',
       pure: true 
export class LastNameFirstPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string): string {
    return value.substring(value.indexOf(' ') + 1) + ", " + value.substring(0, value.indexOf(' '));

Notice the pure attribute. Pipes in angular can be marked as pure or unpure

Pure pipes:

  • only runs when a pure change is made to the input value.
  • a pure change is when a primitive type is updated, or a reference type is updated
  • a pure change does not include changes within an object e.g. {{customer.name | uppercase}} a change to name would not cause the filter to be re-evaluated, since this is inside the customer object. This is for performance reasons.

Impure Pipes

  • angular runs impure pipes on each component change detection cycle, meaning they run a lot.
  • the above customer.name example would be detected if we created a custom uppercase filter with pure set to false.
  • pipes set as impure should be as performant as possible.

plunker demo:
