Going over the Angular2 docs on forms, and decided to bring forward my 1.x simple forms demo

It ports over fairly well, but a significant number of changes needed to be made. Honestly it seems like it would take an enormous effort to convert an existing 1.x application to Angular2.

Specific Changes

  • update directives
    • ng-model -> [(ngModel)]
    • ng-class -> [ngClass]
    • ng-submit -> (ngSubmit)
    • ng-show -> [hidden] (could have also used *ngIf)
    • ng-maxlength -> [maxlength]
    • ng-disabled -> [disabled]
  • instead of defining a telephone filter, I created a pipe
  • Create ManufacturerService with a type class and a mock
  • Create generic LookupService for the list of states
  • angular.copy() does not have a direct replacement in Angular2. Object.assign() works well as long as a deep copy is not needed, which isn’t the case here (Manufacturer doesn’t contain collections, just simple types)
  • instead of defining an empty manufacturer JSON object, we can instantiate a new, empty manufacturer. (to be used when the new button is clicked)
  • The currency filter will not work with an empty string. In edit mode, blanking out the <input> causes <span class="displayValue" [ngClass]="pageMode">{{manufacturer.creditLimit | currency }}</span> to raise an exception. The workaround is to set the <input type="number"
    • alternately, one could argue that the view controls should not be bound to the same object the edit controls are bound to
  • I wasn’t able to access the manufacturerForm properly from the simple-edit-form.component.ts.
    • within the template, manufacturerForm.valid is available, but in the component.ts it is undefined
    • ended up using manufacturerForm.checkValidity()
    • this plunker (not mine) shows the forms valid property as accessible in component.ts, but I didn’t get this to work
  • needed to set #manufacturerForm="ngForm" inside the <form>
  • In addition to the id, name attributes, needed to set #nameInput="ngModel" inside the <input>’s using validation.
  • spent a lot of time figuring out why nameInput.errors.required was giving undefined errors. It looks like you always need to check for valid first, as the errors collection is only defined when errors are present: [hidden]="nameInput.valid || !nameInput.errors.required" The || causes a short-circuit evaluation in the expression. If you remove the nameInput.valid from the example below you can repro this issue.
